The Leadership Cafe with Jamie Gallagher, CEO, Faber Castell USA

In this Leadership Cafe interview, Jamie Gallagher traces his leadership journey and speaks about essentials of great leadership.
Jamie Gallagher is the President and CEO of Faber-Castell USA, a 260-year old German parent company that sells stationery and artistry products. There, he has played a pivotal role in the “Enriching Lives Through Creativity and Self-Expression” strategic platform within the Faber-Castell Group. In this episode, Jamie talks about collaborative critical thinking, communication, and creativity as an emphasis for leaders. Also, the new platform for Faber-Castell products and how they serve their clients and how the company’s stationery products have helped artists cope with the current pandemic.
Published on Vaco Global YouTube Channel.
Video Podcast
The Leadership Cafe w. Jamie Gallagher, CEO, Faber Castell USA