Market Entry Might Look Easier Than It Is

With a population of over 370 million people, the North American market might seem like a “can’t miss” opportunity. Clearly, the opportunities are available and the potential is great. Yet, the hurdles and learning curve can be significant to enter or expand in this very demanding market.

At 4 the Win, our experience encompasses introducing, incubating and growing European brands in the North American market. This requires an integrated strategy which reflects the interaction of distribution, product, and the consumer path to purchase.

A critical component to success in the North American market is securing shelf space (virtual and brick and mortar). We have a clear track record of building brands through “big box retail” placement while maintaining specialty retailer support.

Lets Get Ready to Grow

Keys to North American Market Success

  • Are Your Product and Your Position Truly Unique? Do You Have a Story?

    Along with 370 million people come a vast number of consumer brands, products, and choices to compete against. What is the unique selling proposition of your product/brand? Let’s tell the story.

  • Do You Have the Tolerance to Plant Seeds and Grow Over a Period?

    Or do you need a quick hit? What is your timeline and financial tolerance for achieving key targets? Clarity will help align and accelerate.

  • Are You Familiar with Sales and Marketing Environment and Consumer Path to Purchase?

    What is our targeted consumer path to purchase? Where do they shop? What is their source of information? Once you are able to secure “shelf space” what tools can drive “sell out”, support “exit inventory” and fund allowances?

  • Will You Build a Local Team or Seek to Hire a Distributor/Third Party?

    What are your criteria for a sales team ? What will it cost for these services? In-house team, outside reps or hybrid model?

How 4 The WIN Can HelpBy drawing upon real, frontline experience in leading European based brands into the North American market , 4 The Win can guide you through the entry or the next phase of expansion.

Knowledge and relationships across key retailers as well as independent specialty markets will serve as a valuable tool in avoiding missteps and generating distribution.

Ultimately it will be the consumer who determines the outcome. 4 The Win can provide guidance and a strategy to build consumer demand starting with a deeper understanding of the Consumer Path to Purchase.

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